Tax & Law International: who are we?

Creation de societes

Tax & Law international / Tributum SRL is a professional company of tax consultants member of ITAA (Institute for Tax Advisors & Accountants).

Tax & Law International shares its multi-decennial experience in all classic fiscal areas of competence: the fiscal procedure, but also tax disputes, claims and tax relief, routine or in-depth tax audits… for the taxation of physical persons and companies (corporate income tax). Our permanent fiscal ‘coaching’ allows Belgian SMEs, liberal professions and top executives a fiscally optimised financial planning that will reduce the final fiscal impact on the whole of your professional, capital and immoveable income.

Tanks to our specialisation, all our prospects and clients benefit (via a direct contact with one of our associates) from quality fiscal information, both by phone and by email:

In matters of European and international taxation, ‘Tax & Law International’ brings answers that are adapted to the issues raised by the self-employed, the salaried staff and executive directors facing a change in career. Trans-European companies and their subsidiaries will benefit from a simple and favourable enforcement of the preventive conventions for double taxation, of our contradictory analysis of permitted transfer prices and of the most favourable capitalization structures.

Our tax services in the fields of corporation tax, personal income tax & VAT