Managing your potential fiscal risks – a better experience of your tax inspections

Our lengthy experience and our permanent fiscal ‘coaching’ will give you a clear vision of the internal mechanism of the tax inspection. You will fully master your fiscal risk-taking every time you take a financial or economic decision. We offer documented, reliable solutions when faced to the following issues.
- Where are the effective fiscal assets of each taxpayer?
- Where is the line between the plain fiscal fraud, organised fraud or the least imposed way?
- A fiscal dispute occurs: how can you have access to your administrative file with the taxation office?
- If there is a judgement, how will the judge apply the fiscal code? Can we really rely on apparently identical jurisprudence?
- Controlled aggressiveness or feigned calm: how to approach tax authorities when you are living in a fiscal dead end?
- What tax audits may you expect in your current situation?
- Is an unexpected tax control truly legal and imaginable? Can you react preventively?
- Would meeting with the tax authorities help you?
Our permanent fiscal coaching settles the taxpayers who trust us – physical persons and corporations – in a continuous control of their financial and economic safety.
Our tax services in the fields of corporation tax, personal income tax & VAT