Corporation tax, permanent establishments and subsidiaries (Corporate Income Tax):
- Coaching upon request in view of preparing in detail the forecast tax audits, common AFER/VAT audits, routine audits, etc.
- Professional management of the responses to information requests, preparatory to adjustment vouchers; introducing a duly motivated claim
- In situations of tax dispute, support and reinforcement of the position of the taxpayer, via our in-depth yet firm contacts with the tax authorities
- Analysis of the fiscal impact of the financial planning initially foreseen for the notary, implementation of the taxation of the first years with precise measurement of future social charges
- Justified drafting of the tax return forms and their annexes
- Verification of previous taxations, calculation of taxes preliminary to your strategic investments, impact of notional interests
- Immediate intervention when an automatic relief is possible, via personal contacts with the tax authorities
- Personalised contacts with other specialists: auditors, independent auditors, financial analysts that constantly bring us their assistance

Our tax services in the fields of corporation tax, personal income tax & VAT